Differences in Weight Loss in Woman Compared to Men

Did you ever wonder why men lose weight faster than women? They can follow the same diet, but when men lose weight quickly, for women it isn’t as easy.

There are a number of reasons that this happens. First, men tend to have a higher resting metabolic rate (RMR). The RMR is the number of calories you burn in a day doing absolutely nothing (such as sitting in a chair for 24 hours). Since men have more muscle weight, their metabolism is higher.

Additionally, hormones play a major role in preventing weight loss in women compared to men. Estrogen and progesterone, female hormones, help promote development of adipose (fat) tissue. These same hormones prevent breakdown of adipose tissue during dieting. Why? These hormones help us store excess calories for use during pregnancy. Unfortunately, even after going through menopause the effect of these hormones on weight gain does not slow down. As you get older, your hormones levels may fluctuate, but metabolism slows, physical activity tends to decrease and thus weight tends to increase.

Other psychological issues tend to be more prevalent in women as well. Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are more common in women. But so is “binge-eating disorder.” In binge-eating disorder, excessive calories are consumed rapidly. The individual, again usually a woman, feels a sense of lack of control over the episode. Typically, women feel disgusted, depressed or guilty about overeating following a binge episode. This in turn can fuel more episodes of binge-eating. Binge-eating disorder can be difficult to treat. However, combinations of strategies in my book as well as individual psychotherapy and medication may help treat the disorder.

Weight Loss after Pregnancy

When new moms start trying to lose their postpartum belly fat, they can quickly get lost in all the information that’s available. A lot of that information flies in the face of common sense and the truth of the matter of weight loss. Learn the truths about fitness and fat loss after having a baby. Take the short quiz below to find out what it really takes to get your pre-baby figure back.

Skipping Meals Is a Great First Step to Weight Loss

False. Many, many dieters fall into this trap. They think that they’ll cut down on their total calories for the day by skipping meals. Most likely, they binge instead, and here’s why. When you skip meals, your blood sugar takes a nosedive. This leads you to make poor food choices when you finally do eat. Also, you’ll probably eat very fast, and take in many more calories than you need. Eat small meals through the day to keep blood sugar levels constant and calories under control.

You Can Reduce Fat in Certain Parts of Your Body

False. New moms want to target their postpartum belly fat and just make it disappear, but human bodies don’t work that way. When you exercise, you lose fat all over your body. Focus on overall fitness and great nutrition, and you’ll be well on your way to getting rid of that poochy area.

If Some Food Is Fat-Free, You Can Eat As Much As You Want

False. You can’t stuff yourself on fat-free muffins, cookies and light ice creams and expect to lose weight. Fat-free or not, there are plenty of calories to deal with in these foods, and your body processes every single calorie. Many fat-free processed foods are full of salt and sugar to give them some flavor, so be very wary. In addition, you need some fat in your diet in order to feel satisfied and not keep munching.

Eating Fewer Than 1200 Calories Per Day Will Boost Weight Loss

False. In fact, it may do just the opposite. Not enough calories per day makes your body adapt to the smaller amount of food. This makes your metabolic rate slow down. In addition, your body may go into starvation mode and hold onto every calorie, to ensure survival. Then, when you start to eat normally again, because your calorie needs are reduced you end up gaining more weight even though you are eating less food.

You Can Lose and Maintain Weight Without Physical Exercise

True. You don’t absolutely have to exercise in order to lose weight. Weight loss is about intake versus output, though; so if you increase the caloric output, you’re improving your odds of conquering your postpartum belly fat that much faster. Pick a bunch of new activities to try, to keep yourself interested in the process. Try swimming laps, aerobics classes, and samba dancing. Exercise has so many additional benefits that it’s a great idea to get into the habit of doing some aerobic activity and some weight training several times a week.

The best weight loss plan for women

You will come across no single diet plan and weight management plan for women in the marketplace that caters to all issues. Your weight loss motivations might not be the exact same as other folks. Everybody has distinct well-being and meals patterns. Answers are also various in the marketplace. Consequently, it is generally far better to go for a rated weight loss plan which is reviewed by bodies like Viewpoints.com, Journal of the WebMD.com and American Medical Association.

You can go for weight loss plans in accordance to your requirement. You need to be cautious about the duration of sticking to the diet plan and weight management method. The reason is that only a long-term practice in sustaining the very same diet can only bring you excellent and lingering end results.

We should be mindful that absolutely everyone has a unique metabolic rate. Consume a lot of fresh greens and fruits alongside with a particular amount of lean proteins which can be located in some poultry and fishes. You have to prevent fried food, junk food and sugar rich food. Together with intake of fruits and greens, you are required to drink loads of drinking water to lose weight. It is far better to consume water at least after an hour of consuming meals.

Also, you merely are not able to afford to miss day-to-day physical exercise (including walking or jogging), correct sleep and breakfast. All rated weight loss plans advise us to do all these items each day and for long.

Weight Loss

Welcome to the Weight Loss Plan for Women website. My name is Dr. E. Faust – a practicing board-certified M.D. As a mother of three, I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. This website was created by a female doctor to specifically help other women lose weight.

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