The Benefits of Joining a Fitness Club for Women

If you desire a healthy and toned body, finding a good gym or fitness club can provide the equipment, services, and motivation to help you reach your goals.

With that thought, realize that not all fitness clubs are created equal, and some are simply seeking more members for their own cash flow. A good and professional fitness club should be run by a staff committed to positive results and quality service.

They should have a professional and trained staffs, ready to help you through your workouts, show you how to use new equipment, and help establish realistic fitness goals. The better health clubs will also have professional nutritionists, juice bars and multiple meal plans, designed to work in conjunction with your fitness regimen.

The better health club should offer amenities (juice bar, daycare, activities for young kids), and have everything imaginable, from sports activities to spas, training session to seminars; all of this designed to help you increase your physical fitness and knowledge of same. Some of the better fitness clubs may also have indoor rock-climbing walls, juice bars, massage and tanning areas.

What is the ideal fitness club?

The ideal fitness club will maintain state-of-the-art fitness equipment, as well as helpful staff to guide you through the process if necessary. Take the time for some research both online and via family and friends, you’ll be glad you took the time when you glance in the mirror a few weeks down the road.

Fitness clubs, since they deal with multiple members, can easily subsidize the cost of expensive fitment equipment and offer the customer (that’s you) substantial savings.

Many of these state-of-the-art fitness machines are extreme expensive, and it is the rare individual who will have the means, or space, to own these machines at home.

Consider your own fitness goals!

When you’re shopping for a fitness club, consider your own fitness goals, and which type of activities will be most helpful both physically and mentally. While many enjoy aerobic workouts, not every fitness club offers these sessions, so take the time to ask and avoid disappointment later. The same holds true if you’re a bodybuilder or swimmer, make certain the fitness club you are considering has the necessary equipment and facilities you are seeking.

Accessibility. It will do you no good to join the greatest and latest health club, if the club itself is located in an area difficult for you to frequent. Health club statistics have shown, that finding one that close to home or along your normal route, can provide added motivation and opportunities for exercise. Not taking this into consideration, and instead responding to a fitness discount, could mean you’ve joined the best club, but will never find the time to visit.

You’ll certainly want to feel comfortable with both the equipment and staff, and while this alone may not be the prime consideration, it should be a significant factor in your choice. If you’re a novice, make certain you have access to trainers and consultants who can help choose the right machines or aerobic activities.

Maintaining our health and physical fitness is the greatest gift we can give ourselves, choosing the right fitness club, can help you more easily reach your fitness goals. Make an informed decision, and do it as soon as possible.

Choose weight training for women

If you look at fitness magazines for women you will find a lot of suggestions for cardio routines, articles on toning certain body parts, and strength training using light dumbbells. The truth is that women should strength train just as men do for full body health and fitness. Unfortunately this message has not been widely spread, and women are missing out on this important aspect of fitness.

Most women want to slim down and be smaller. A common misconception is that if they lift heavy weights they will become big and bulky like men. That could not be further from the truth, as due to hormones and the way the bodies of men and women differ, it is a lot easier for men to put on muscle. By lifting heavier weights women will get some muscle definition but stay lean, unless they are using supplements specifically for that reason.

Women and lifting weights

Weight rooms can be intimidating places for women, especially if they are not familiar with proper form for exercises. They are usually male dominated and women can feel alone and self-conscious if there are no other women around. To avoid possibly feeling uncomfortable women will just avoid the free weights and instead use another part of the gym, which is a shame. If there is more knowledge given to women about lifting heavy weights, they will feel more confident about joining in and not feeling alienated.

This is not to say that cardio does not have its benefits. It is great for your heart and lungs, can reduce the risk of diseases, and can improve cholesterol levels. Both men and women will benefit from cardio exercises, but it should not be marketed as the only solution to weight loss for women. By building muscle, more calories are burned over the course of a day and with a healthy diet, that can result in weight loss.

How to choose exercise routine?

When starting any new exercise routine, it is important to talk to your doctor about your plans and get the okay to proceed. After that, where do you start?

Hiring a personal trainer can be a big help to women new to lifting weights. They will be able to keep an eye on your form to make sure you are doing the exercises right, which is important to help prevent injuries. They could also suggest routines that are suitable for your fitness level.

Some people do not enjoy exercising in public, in which case online is a great tool available to help learn new exercises. There are many websites devoted to weight lifting that include detailed videos made by professionals to watch at home. Especially if you are exercising alone, it is important to keep the weights light when trying an exercise for the first time. Once you are familiar with the proper form you can add more weight.

There are many reasons women have shied away from lifting heavy weights, but that should no longer be the case. It is time to ignore the media and instead focus on becoming strong. For full body health and fitness, both men and women should add strength training into their exercise routines.

Recommended Workout Programs for Women

Of the many workout programs out there, there are only a few that I’d really recommend to my readers. I’ve personally tested these programs and found that they’re the best for you to model after to reach your personal fat loss goals.

Visual Impact Cardio by Rusty Moore

Shredding off a lot of body fat is no easy task. And to lose a lot of fat in a short period of time, nothing is more effective than placing heavy focus on cardio exercises. Rusty Moore is a reputable fitness enthusiast turned writer who specializes in helping others achieve the Hollywood-like type of body that everyone is looking for.

This program that he’s written places high emphasis on the mechanics of cardio exercises and how to do them right for optimum results. There are multiple stages of interval cardio trainings taught in the program, and he’ll guide you through each stage one by one, until you lower your body fat to your desired level.

This program is ideal for those who are between moderately overweight and highly overweight.

Visual Impact for Women by Rusty Moore

This is another program written by Rusty Moore to help women achieve the model-like figure they’ve always wanted. This program consists of resistance training and in case you’re worried of getting too big as a result of resistance training, let me assure you that you won’t, if you follow this training program.

In the program, he’ll not only tell you how to gain the lean body mass that you’re looking for to tone your body up, he’ll also teach you the ways to lose muscle mass on overdeveloped body parts. I’d say that this program is ideal for females who are slightly overweight.

Full Body Licious & Curvalicious Workout Systems

If you’re looking for a workout routine that is written for females by a female, I’d highly recommend Flavia’s FORCE system. Flavia was a Registered Nurse, a Certified Trainer, and has obtained the Masters Level in Nutrition Certification. She knows just about anything when it comes to a female body.

The system that she is using focuses on sculpting a woman’s body to look at her best, without using the common workout routines that are practiced and proven effective only for men. Her approach is highly customized for women, and targeted only on the body parts that women want to work on — which is just awesome!

Trouble Spot Training

While there is no way to spot reduce fat in one particular area, shaping a particular body part that is not covered by body fat is absolutely possible. Trouble Spot Training is a program that teaches you how to train your different body parts and sculpt them to your desired shape. Be it your chest, back, arms, legs, abs or glutes, every parts of your body is covered by this training program.

If you’ve already got a slim figure and now looking to shape your body, this program would be ideal for you. Bruce and Janet Krahn are both authorities in the field of nutrition, and Bruce is a personal trainer to celebrities.

Kris Frondran’s Shapeshifter Yoga

For those who are looking for something different, try Yoga! It has been proven for many generations that Yoga helps not only in losing body fat, it improves your overall health too. Movements in Yoga are usually compound movements, which means, you’re using more a combination of several muscle groups to move, thereby burning more calories.

Kris Frondran’s Shapeshifter Yoga has been modified and improved to accommodate for fat loss and body transformation purposes. This training program is ideal for females who are looking to lose body fat, but would rather not go on hours of hard, intense cardios. Women who are extremely overweight might want to give Yoga a try too, as intense cardio may prove to be too challenging for you to kick start your weight loss journey.



Welcome to the Weight Loss Plan for Women website. My name is Dr. E. Faust – a practicing board-certified M.D. As a mother of three, I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. This website was created by a female doctor to specifically help other women lose weight.

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