Simply Amazing Weight Loss Tips for Women (we love #4)

If you are a typical female, you could eat anything you wanted in your teen’s, and perhaps even your early 20’s. However, once you hit 30 or after you’ve had a few children, you find that even smelling potato chips puts on weight!

Worse still, once you hit menopause, not only does the weight start piling on, it seems impossible to lose it!

While it might be more difficult as women age, you can still lose weight. Consult with your doctor or dietician to make a plan that you can stick with and don’t give up! Sometimes, the extra weight comes off more slowly than it did when you were young, but it will come off!

Most women say that support groups have helped them during their weight loss journey. Find one in your area or join one at your local gym.

Discover these amazing tips that other women have used to lose weight and keep themselves in a perfect shape!

  1. Think 80/20

If you eat right 80 percent of the time, the other 20 percent won’t matter so much. Enjoying a few bites of something you love will stop you from feeling deprived and can prevent binging.

  1. Diversify Your Workouts

Everyone gets bored doing the same old thing and to top it off, your body becomes accustomed to the same old workout routine. Change it up and try different exercises, cardio workouts, and workout machines.

  1. Talk to Yourself the Way You Talk to Others

You would never dream of telling your best friend “Dang your belly is huge!” So why talk that way to yourself? Start every day with a positive mantra such as “I can do this” or “I’m making progress every single day”.

  1. Don’t Skimp on Sleep

With our modern, ultra-busy lives, sleep can sometimes fall to the bottom of our “to do” list. This is a mistake, however, since sleep regulates how the body uses, stores, and burns calories. Get 7 to 9 hours most nights.

  1. Forget Fads

There is a new diet printed every week! Don’t jump on every diet bandwagon. Find a long term diet you can actually stick to. If you aren’t sure which diet is a safe one, consult your doctor or dietician.

  1. Be Smart at Restaurants

It can be so tempting to just ditch your diet when eating out, but you can still enjoy the food without going off the deep end. Ask your waiter to cut your meal in half and put half in a “to go” bag before it even reaches your table. Sometimes, you can order the lunch menu, which has smaller portions, or just order an appetizer. Ask the waiter to NOT bring bread or chips to the table.

  1. Always Pack Snacks

If you get hungry and don’t have something to eat, we guarantee you will hit up the vending machine. Be smart and have some nuts, cheese, or pumpkin seeds in your pocket or purse for munching.

  1. Eat Citrus Fruit Every Day

Most women don’t know that citrus fruit helps to stop the body from making a fat storing hormone called cortisol. Think oranges or grapefruit with breakfast and put lemon slices in your water.

  1. Take a Stand

Whenever possible, stand up and pace back and forth. Pace in your office while talking on the phone, stand or walk in the cafeteria while drinking coffee, stand while waiting for your doctor’s appointment.

  1. Keep It in Sight

Put fruit on the kitchen table where you are sure to see it and put cut up veggies for snacking right in the front part of the refrigerator. Put nuts and seeds on the middle shelf of your pantry, so when you go looking for snacks, the healthy stuff is what you see first.


Weight Loss

Welcome to the Weight Loss Plan for Women website. My name is Dr. E. Faust – a practicing board-certified M.D. As a mother of three, I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. This website was created by a female doctor to specifically help other women lose weight.

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