What is the Fastest Way for Women to Lose Weight? (It’s Not a Magic Pill!)

There is an old saying that goes “Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die to do it”. This saying also seems to apply to weight loss. Everyone wants to look slim and trim, but no one wants to do the diet and exercise to get there!

Despite all the talk you might read online about how you can lose weight while you sleep, lose weight without dieting or exercise, or even those “magic” pills that promise to stop you from overeating, the truth here is that there is only one way to lose weight and that is to change your eating habits.

This doesn’t mean carrot sticks and lettuce for months; you simply need to make a change in your diet. For most women, lowering the amount of carbohydrates and sugar will result in quick weight loss. For many women, following this way of eating results in weight loss of as much as 20 pounds per month.

Yes, we can exercise too, but this is not the same as following a healthy diet. Exercise is a great way to stay active, but it should not be the main and the only way to get rid of excess fat. It is important to exercise for health, not just for weight loss.

The scientific evidence indicates that proper diet, together with exercising and correct supplementation, is more effective in achieving weight loss goals.

Let’s take a look at the top 3 things you can do to cut back in these areas and drop those unwanted pounds. These 3 rules are the most important points that can help every woman lose weight quickly and safely!

Rule #1. Cut Way Back on Carbohydrates and Sugar

This sounds harder than it is. You don’t have to cut OUT carbs and sugar, only cut BACK. If you try to stop eating them entirely, chances are your cravings will win and you will lose by gaining the weight back.

In other words, as long as your cravings haven’t been fulfilled, you are likely to feel emptiness and even decrease in self-esteem, which means you are more likely to feel reward when you eat again.

Your body will use the carbohydrates you are eating for immediate energy use. If you eat more than the body needs, insulin, which is actually a fat-storing hormone, will do its job and store those extra carbs as fat.

When you cut back on carbs, your body is forced to pull water, salt, and fat from your storage areas to use as fuel. In the first week or so, many people lose 7 to 12 pounds of weight. Most of that is water, but some are fat. After that, your body simply starts burning your stored fat because it is used to using that for fuel. BTW, this might help you get rid of cellulite, too!

Rule #2. Instead of Carbs, Eat Protein, Fat, and Vegetables

You might have some cravings for carbs, but mostly because you are accustomed to eating them with your meals. These cravings pass in about 3 days. In the meantime, eat meals that contain one source of protein, a source of fat, and a low carb vegetable.

Always include a rich source of healthy fats, such as avocados, or any other sources like coconut oil for cooking and baking. Protein is the most important nutrient because it builds muscle mass and helps burn body fat. Protein is also important for good digestion and healthy skin.

Omit starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. Every food contains a certain number of carbohydrates. Keep a notebook with the number of grams of carbs you are consuming each day. Try to keep your consumption of carbs between 20 and 50 grams per day.

Finally, don’t limit yourself to the foods you know and love. Instead, go for the variety. Explore different options. Don’t be afraid to try new and even weird meals!

Rule #3. Get in at Least 30 Minutes of Moderate Exercise Three Times Each Week

Yes, we mentioned that exercises are not the best option in your weight loss plan. However, exercises are required along with proper diet and healthy nutrition.

Actually, you don’t have to exercise to lose weight with this plan, but it’s going to make you look and feel better. When we lose weight, our muscles and skin begin to look flabby and soft. Exercise will help take up the slack, so to speak! Try brisk walking, alternating with light weight lifting for best results.

Weight loss and Cellulite

Speaking of weight loss, one of the most important causes of cellulite is excess fat. The level of fat is closely linked to cellulite. But when it comes to weight loss, it does not, unfortunately, cause a reduction of cellulite.

When you lose weight, you may think that you will get rid of your cellulite, too. The truth is that is not always correct. Although maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercises and proper nutrition can certainly help prevent or get rid of cellulite, weight loss is not a guaranteed cellulite removal technique.

In fact, weight loss usually results in better skin tone, thus making cellulite more apparent. If your goal is to get rid of cellulite, you may want to look for other techniques.

Don’t Be Afraid to Skip a Day!

Consider going off your diet for one or two days per month so your body will make more of those fat-burning hormones, such as leptin.

This doesn’t mean you can sit down and eat an entire cake in one day, but rather, focus on eating a little more of the healthy carbs, your body craves, such as sweet potatoes, rice, or quinoa. If you normally eat 20 grams of carbs each day, consider taking a day or two off each month to eat 40 or 50 grams of carbs.


Weight Loss

Welcome to the Weight Loss Plan for Women website. My name is Dr. E. Faust – a practicing board-certified M.D. As a mother of three, I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. This website was created by a female doctor to specifically help other women lose weight.

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